Mitch Albom
By El.N. | January 28, 2017
We may have read many books, but there are those stories which elevate readers to be a better person, stories that should be cherished and whose authors should be appreciated. Over twenty years ago Mitch Albom amazed readers across the globe by “Tuesdays with Morrie”. The book was not only a wonderful story on literature of death, as some criticisers called it at the time, but it took readers to life flow, to those rare moments that we close the book and ponder about what we are doing in our daily lives, shall we “withdraw from the world” or live?
Albom has further continued his writing career and published a number of books including The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, For One More Day and Have a Little Faith. Readers who believe in reading a book which has only one sentence to remember for a lifetime, have enjoyed his works as they are full of deep sentences. His stories are simple and with few number of characters, sentences are straight forward, yet very true as they are pointing at reader’s very status.
Beside his writing and journalism career, Albom’s talent has brought him a known name as a radio and television broadcaster, and a musician as he has wished in Tuesdays with Morrie.
Mitch Albom has shown us how we can transform our lives only if we Have a Little Faith:
“When you come to the end, that’s where God begins.”